Kloof Senior Primary
In 2016 we undertook a masterplanning process for Kloof Senior Primary School. The intention was to solve a number of space issues which came out of an intensive stakeholder participation process (all learners, educators, admin, support staff and parents had their say!) –
- To find a location for a new media centre – given that there is little available space on the grounds, this was located on the top of the admin area, fitting well into the existing school circulation and with opportunity for a new roof that maximizes natural light but also eliminating harsh light and glare.
- To provide a dedicated facility for aftercare (currently housed in classrooms) – the solution found used a new building and a covered pavilion which doubled as a viewing area for the field and shaded space for break times.
- To accommodate a new movement / drama space.
- Upgrade of ablutions facilities, relocation of staff accommodation and a facility for recycling – a school income generator.
A combination of 2D planning and 3 D views was presented.